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Helpful Tips for Parents that they should abide by and follow from heart

  • Continue to talk, sing and read to your child
  • Nurture your child’s love for books by taking them to the library or a book store
  • Teach responsibility in small steps, starting with simple things like picking up their toys
  • Let your child help with simple chores
  • Set a good example by consistently doing the things you want your child to do
  • Encourage your child to play with other children, so they learn sharing and friendship
  • Speak to your child in complete sentences, using “grown up” words. This will help develop language skills, using the correct words and phrases
  • Help your preschooler work through the steps of solving a problem when they are upset
  • Be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. Explain and show the behavior you want. When telling them no, explain what they should be doing instead
  • Limit TV and computer time to just one to two hours a day. Children spending more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen are more likely to become obese and have behavior problems
  • Monitor what your child is watching. Programs that show violent or angry actions and words can scare a preschooler and lead to nightmares or aggressive behavior
  • Give your child a limited number of simple choices, like choosing what to wear, what games to play or what snack to eat

Aryan Public School

Aryan Public School emerged on 21st February 2000. The foundation stone was laid by Shri B.M Goel (chairperson). It is a co-educational institution run by Sanjeevani Siksha Samiti a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Act-1861.